Sold Selling Selling 71 5 stars (w/ merged units) recent Fire Emblem Heroes Account

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GrimlockDubs, 12/4/17.

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  1. GrimlockDubs

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    (All 5 star)
    Seigbert (yes the new guy who came out on December 4th)
    5 Brave Lyn's
    Bridal Cordelia (built)
    2 Performing Azura's (1 built)
    2 Summer Corrin's (1 built w/ blade tome)
    Spring Camilla (built with blade tome)
    2 Trick or Defeat Nowi's (1 built)
    +3 Masked Marth
    +3 Genny (half built towards the Razzle Dazzle build)
    Ayra (built)
    Hector (built)
    +1 Kagero (built) w/ two 4 stars to get to +3
    +1 Ryoma
    Lucina (built)
    +1 Corrin
    Black Knight
    +3 Celica
    Brave Lucina
    Brave Ike
    Summer Robin (built)
    +1 Summer Tiki (built)
    +1 Faye
    +1 Julia
    Performing Shigure
    Performing Olivia (built)
    And more in the photos
    Also over 200 3 and 4 star shmucks like Berkut and mountains of skill fodder

    50 refining stone
    1256 arena medals
    261 sacred coins
    68791 feathers
    Obscene amount of crystals
    Tier 20 in Arena

    Have unlocked most s seals and upgraded a few to max.
    Cleared out every orb to get from story and such.

    Photos aren't attaching for some reason, so if you need pics and such to verify or have any other questions definitely don't hesitate to ask.

    Not gonna lie I've spent 1200 buckaroos on this account and am just looking for damage control to my piggy bank.
    PM me with offers, I'd like 600, more if you are feeling kind-hearted, but less if you have a shred of business sense haha.
    Paypal only
    Thanks again boyos!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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