Sold Selling SELLING 630+ CP ESO Account, 6x Maxlevel, ink. Morrowind

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ESO_Wolfdietrich, 6/6/17.

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  1. ESO_Wolfdietrich

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    I want to sell my ESO-Account (inkl. Morrowind).

    - The acount has 631+ CPs
    - 6 chars are on max level (50)
    1. Dragonknight, Darkelf, EP
    2. Dragonknight, Darkelf, EP
    3. Dragonknight, Redguard, EP
    4. Sorcerer, Woodelf, AD
    5. Templar, Highelf, DC
    6. Nightblade, Woodelf, EP
    - 1x Name Change Token
    - ca. 3k Crown-points
    - a few costumes
    - all races on all fractions
    - Morrowind is activated!

    Price: 450€
    contact for questions: [email protected]
    The way how to do it: First we talk or chat about everything, then you can pay per paypal, then I will give you the ID, the PW and I will change the mailadress to an adress of your choice.

    kind regards,
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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