Hello! Not really new here, sold a lot of Trove gold a year ago and now I'm back again. I plan on quitting Dragon Nest to invest my time into other games, so I want to sell all the gold I have left. Price = 1,000 Gold for $6.00. Only accept Paypal for the most part, but may also take Steam games I WANT, or currency from other games I play(unlikely). Transaction Process: If you're trading with Paypal (You will use Friend and Family option, so you will need to calculate the fee on top of the actual prices). Process: We both log into the game, you give me your in game name. I will party you, and we'll meet somewhere most convenient (probably Saint Haven) where we will trade at Jim the storage guy. Transaction will all take place on Skype/Discord. If you want some proof, we can either screen share on Skype, or I can give you imgur pictures of the Gold you wish to buy so you know I have it, or just put them in trade. If it's a matter of trust, I have no reason to scam as I just want to get some money for my Gold so I can quit, but if need be, a middle man is fine, however you must pay the fees for them. You can check my previous thread from a year ago where I sold a ton of Gold for Trove and have vouchers. Skype: [email protected] Discord: Mandate#6028 Steam: Eyeballs Stock + Pricing (Gold is limited) Please post on the thread, then add me on Skype/Discord, and we can discuss the details of the trade. I am usually here, so you should be able to get your Gold within 5-15 minutes of us finishing/stating the details/trade.