Selling [Selling] Selling 56lvl acc: Chars 36lvl + 16lvl + 4lvl

Discussion in 'Eve Online Accounts For Sale' started by Destinyty, 7/14/20.

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  1. Destinyty

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    I sell my acc with 3x char:
    ch1 — ImgBB
    ch2 — ImgBB
    ch3 — ImgBB
    I play activ this acc,
    high raking mission
    Char 1 PVP/PVE - missions
    Char 2 PVP/PVE + minning + industry
    Char3 PVP + trade /on Jita/

    Assets cca 1B ISK.

    You can find me here or:
    skype: live: pavel.pga
    discort: DestinySVK#3638
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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