Sold Selling Selling 4 accounts !!!

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Anhalation, 7/23/17.

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  1. Anhalation

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    Account 1 = IOP 200 (with full set), ECAFLIP 200, Another IOP 200, CRA 200.
    Account 2 = ENI 199, And some mini lvls.
    Account 3 = OSA 199 (with set)
    Account 4 = IOP 126 (But have three 200lvl proffesions - Miner, Alchemist, Smith), FECA 158.

    + In these accounts have resources in banks.
    + I will give 10 Million kamas +/-
    + In Account1 Iop 200 have set what`s worth is 100mk+, maged +1ap one item of the set, and maged some %resis.
    + Some accounts do not have the exact name, so your accounts will be 100% safe from scam.
    + If you want i can be your support in some way.
    + I have one more account - Enutrof 200, But, i don't know the secret answer, but this account is mine 100%, so if you want i can give. (And i can try get the secret answer)

    Price is 200 euro or 225.72$

    So, if you are real buyer or want more info pm me to - [email protected] or to the skype; skillzlv.
    And ofcourse im not a scammer, i want a real deal. Im selling these accounts because i have no more time to play, i have turned to education. So yea, give a message when you are ready. ;))
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