Selling Selling Selling 17 Cost-55 fests endgame account (Euclid, Murakumo, Velvet, Lindsay...

Discussion in 'Crash Fever Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by alvisyu, 12/2/17.

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  1. alvisyu

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    Hi all,

    I'm selling my global account that has 17 cost-55 fests. Please see the link here:

    Featured units:
    • Euclid x2 (currently ranked no.1 blue unit on the JP forum Game8)
    • Ame no Murakumo x1 (dropping C Panels = higher chances of acing the Rank Quests)
    • Velvet x1 & Bell Lindsay x1 (special X'mas Rank Quest reward units; my Lindsay is bug 60)
    • Murasaki Shikibu x1 (C panel can boost blue unit ATK for one turn; Murasaki + Murakumo and Euclid mentioned above = playing god; ATK can easily go over 20k)
    • Hubble (ranked no.2 yellow unit on Game8; 4837 ATK and 4025 rec =killer/healer 2 in 1)
    • Fresnel (rank quest unit; easy win during the Rank Quest)
    • Caduceus (yellow panels massive rate) +Masamune Date (turns yellow panels to bombs plus 2 taps added) = perfect board (note: i also have a 4* Rapunzel, but Caduceus' yellow panel rate is much better than hers) (I also have a 5* Date for those savvy Rank Quest players, i.e. his skill CD is only 7 turns when he's 5*)
    • Bug 99 Snowman and Grimm the Dandy

    Bits - over 10,000,000
    Folder capacity- 345
    Ghost bits -154,333

    Serious buyer only. Please offer your bid.

    Contact info: Skype (alvisspeaking); Discord (Alvis#9103)

    Payment method: Paypal

    I've been playing this account since the global debut, so I'm hoping I can find someone who'd take good care of my account :)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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