Transaction will be through paypal, any questions, want more details, or offers through line (my ID is crimsonrivet), will sell to highest offer Account: Built as trap SH: 23 (majority of buildings at 22, a couple at 21 and gear workshop is at 16) Gold: 9.3mil VIP: 21 Hero: 63(needs 6k more medals (out of 28k) to level up to 64) Troops: 70 mil (do not have wilds up to t4, only up to t2, but reg and strat(exception being siege t4 for strat) is up to t4) presets: 20 unlocked speeds: 31,100days (not including 1 min up to 24 hour, have plenty of those though as well) Gold treasury is maxed (I was able to get it up to for the 1 day giving 220k and getting back 374k with correct use of skill points) Infinite Inferno: x1 5 minute Resources: 3tril food, 4tril rest wonder dungeon keys: 12 Research 100% complete Economics Combat defense crafting set bonus hero wall traps strategic wall traps strategic combat Research close to being done restorative everything else is kind of scattered(march is mostly 10/15 as well) Gear: All legendary (Exceptions in parentheses) Training: 6 piece grand marshal Research: 4 piece oracle(1 piece purple) 1 piece chancellor 2 piece shogun accessory construction: 5 piece architect monster hunting: 3 piece mythic, rest mix of northern king and dark hunter Full northern king Full frost lord Dungeon: 3 piece dungeoneer