Selling Selling Sell Warframe account Range 16 using paypal

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Neverloss, 8/2/17.

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  1. Neverloss

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    Hello. Im selling an account range 16.

    The account have:

    26 warframes:
    Ash prime, atlas, banshee, chroma, ember, equinox, excalibur, Frost, Inaros, Ivara, Loki prime, Mag Prime, nekros, Nezha, Nyx prime, Oberon, Rhino prime, Saryn prime, titania, trinity, Valkyr, Vauban, Volt prime, Wukong, Zephyr.

    Primary Weapon:

    Boar prime, Boltor prime, Braton prime, Cernos Mutalitic, Dex sybaris, penta secura, Rubico, simulor, soma prime, tenora, tigris prime, vulkar phantom, and others lows.

    Secondary weapon:

    Akbronco prime, Azima, balistic Rakta, Cycron, Dex Furis, Marelok Vaykor, Sicarus prime, spira prime.

    Melee Weapon:

    Ack and Brunt, Ankyros prime, Bo prime, boltace, broken war, broken staff, Dakra prime, Dex Dakra, Galatine prime, Glaive prime, Heliocor, Double Kamas prime, Nikana prime, Reaper prime, Redeemer, scindo prime, Sheev, Tekko, War.


    A dog and two sentinels prime, Wyrm and Carrier.

    Some posters and a lot of sculptures.

    3 sindicates two full and the other near. Full mods, prime and rares. At least 5 warframes full equiped and with forms. 45 forms. Some skins, example, skin of Excalibur, weapons like galatine, valkyr and Chroma.

    Here you have some photos.
    My email is: [email protected]

    You can talk with me there.
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