Sold [Selling] Sell top account EU NON SEASON PARAGON 3537 / HK mode1260

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nikuvolen, 2/8/19.

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  1. Nikuvolen

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    EU NON SEASON PARAGON 3537 / HK mode1260
    all characters.
    Many gems from 100 to 125, things are caldesanen. All characters pumped. I played from the second to the 14th season. A lot of good things. A lot of resources for crafting. I can send screenshots or videos to the mail.
    *All the characters are equipped in actuals builds, you can play for any of them;
    *Many thing in the cube (You can do any thing in the cube or make any build).
    PS: If you are considering buying this account, but you want some more info like gear screenshots or whatever you can contact me via private message.
    Email airdorne@ Price 500$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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