Selling Selling Sell my Smite Account - Level 129 - 437 skins - Avatars 120..

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by Aakussj, 11/3/17.

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  1. Aakussj

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    My Account it contains:

    Level 129
    223 Gems
    1,067 Favor
    89 Mastery

    437 Skins
    -Aphrodite: 4 - 2 Exclusive
    -Agni: 3 - 4 Exclusive
    -Ah muzen cab: 3 - 2 Exclusive
    -Ah Puch: 2 - 2 Exlcusive
    -Amaterasu: 3 - 1 Exclusive - SWC 2017
    -Anhur: 3 - 3 Exclusive - 1 Clan
    -Anubis: 4 - 3 Exclusive - Convention 2016 - Oddyssey 2017
    -Ao Kuang: 2 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Apolo: 3 - 2 Exclusive - 1 Limited - SWC 2017
    -Aracne: 2 - 1 Exclusive
    -Ares: 2 - 1 Exclusive - SWC 2015
    -Artemis: 3 - 3 Exclusive - Convention 2012
    -Artio: 1
    -Athena: 4 - 2 Exclusive
    -Awilix: 2 - 1 Exclusive
    -Baco: 2 - 4 Exclusive
    -Bakasura: 4 - 1 Exclusive - Diamond
    -Bastet: 4 - 3 Exclusive
    -Belona: 2 - 3 Exclusive - SPL 2016
    -Cabrakan: 2 - 1 Exclusive
    -Camazoth: 1
    -Cernunnos: 2
    -Chaac: 3 - 3 Exclusive - Chaactam - Chaac Brasil
    -Chang'e: 4 - 1 Exclusive
    -Cronos: 2 -2 Exclusive
    -Cupid: 3 - 3 Exclusive
    -Cu Chulainn: 0
    -Da Ji: 1 - 1 Exclusive
    -Erlang Shen: 1 - 1 Exclusive
    -Fafnir: 2 - 1 Limited
    -Fenrir: 3 - 3 Exclusive
    -Freya: 3 - 3 Exclusive
    -Ganesha: 1
    -Geb: 2 - 1 Exclusive
    -Guan Yu; 2 - 1 Exclusive
    -Hachiman: 0
    -Hades All Skins - 2 Exclusive
    -He Bo: 2 - 3 Exclusive
    -Hel: 3 - 1 Exclusive
    -Hou Yi: 4 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Hun Batz: 3
    -Hercules: 3 - 3 Exclusive - 2 Limited
    -Isis: 3 - 2 Exclusive - 1 Clan
    -Ixbalanqué: 2 - 2 Exclusive - 2 Limited - Legendary
    -Izanami: 1 - 2 Exclusive
    -Jano: 3 - 2 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Jing Wei: 2 - 1 Exclusive
    -Kali: 2 - 1 Exclusive - 2 Limited
    -Khepri: 2 - 3 Exclusive - 1 Clan - Convention 2017
    -Kukulkan: 2 - 2 Exclusive - 1 Limited - Quetzalcoatl
    -Khumbhakarna: 2 - 2 Exclusive
    -Kuzembo: 2 - 1 Exclusive
    -Loki: 3 - 3 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Medusa: 2 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Mercury: 3 - 4 Exclusive
    -Morrigan: 1 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Nezha: 3 - 1 Exclusive
    -Neith: 3 - 6 Exclusive
    -Nike: 1 - 1 Limited
    -Nox: 2 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Nu wa: 1 - 7 Exclusive
    -Nemesis: 3 - 2 Exclusive - 2 Limited
    -Odín: 4 - 2 Exclusive
    -Osiris: 2 - 3 Exclusive
    -Poseidon: 2 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Quiron: 3 - 1 Exclusive
    -Ra: 2 - 4 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Raijin: 3
    -Rama: 2 - 2 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Ratatoskr: 3 - 1 Exclusive
    -Ravan: 3 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited - Gold
    -Scylla 3 - 3 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Serket: 4 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Silvano: 2 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Skadi: 3
    -Sobek: 3 - 4 Exclusive
    -Sun Wukong: 3 - Limited
    -Susano: 2 - 2 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Sól: 2 - 3 Exclusive - 1 Limited
    -Terrra: 2 - 1 Exclusive
    -Thor: 5 - 1 Clan - Oddyssey 2016
    -Thoth: 1 - 1 Limited
    -Tyr: 3 - 1 Exclusive - 1 Clan
    -Thanatos: 3 - 1 Exclusive
    -Ullr: 3 - 1 Exclusive
    -Vamana: 3 - 1 Exclusive
    -Vulcan: 3 - 2 Exclusive
    -Xing Tian: 3 - Tier Monster - Gold Season 3
    -Ymir: 2 - 3 Exclusive - Twitch Boss
    -Zeus: 4 - 3 Exclusive - SWC 2016
    -Zhong Kui: 2 - 1 Exclusive

    Oddyssey 2016 - Completed
    Oddyssey 2017 - Completed

    Ticket Season 2 - Completed
    Ticket Season 3 - Completed
    Ticket Season 4 - Pending

    Hercules Aventure's
    Nike Aventure's
    Hades Event
    Celta Event
    Vikings Event
    Dark Souls Event

    All voice pack
    Except Hachiman and Future Gods

    378 Archievements
    120 Avatars
    56 Ward Skins
    Don't Clan

    Season 2 - Bronze
    Season 3 - Gold
    Season 4 - Unranked
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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