Sold Selling Sell - Job Points / Missions / Currency / Mythic Weapon / Empy Weapon / gils

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by alive18, 4/25/17.

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  1. alive18

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    Want to sell gils and items if interested add my Skype (Sidney.Zoo)


    Alexandrite 30000
    Pluton 10000,
    Beitetsu 10000,
    Riftborn Boulder 10000
    Riftcinder or Riftdross 60
    Heavy Metal 1500

    Mercenary Farm

    Job Points 0-2100 =$200
    Merlinic set :70$
    Herculean set : 70$
    Valorous set 70$
    Abjurations set 70$
    Reisenjima weapon 20$

    Empy weapon

    75-80 items each 1$
    80-85 50 items each 1$
    85-90 75 items each 1.5$
    if buy full 75-90 totel 200$


    $30 each
    Bastok Rank 10
    San d'Oria Rank 10
    Windurst Rank 10

    $40 each
    Rise of Zilart
    Chains of Promathia
    Treasures of Aht Urhgan
    A Crystalline Prophecy
    A Moogle Kupo d'Etat
    A Shantotto Ascension

    $50 each
    Seekers of Adoulin
    Wings of the Goddess
    Rhapsodies of Vanadiel
    Nyzul 1-100FL

    $100 each
    ToAU Assaults (Captain)
    100k Therion Ichor
    150k Nyzul Tokens

    Mythic Weapons and Trials

    An Imperial Heist
    1-99 Nyzul Completion
    1 Vigil Weapon + WS Unlock, must have adequate combat skills and equipment
    3 ToAU NM, 4 Salvage Chariots, Odin

    Duties, Tasks, and Deeds
    1 Balrahn's Eyepatch (100k Therion Ichor)
    1 Copy of Wyrmseeker Areuhat (150k Nyzul Tokens)
    Assault Log Completions (Must already possess Captain Rank, else this will charge extra)

    Forging a New Myth Items
    Sarameya's Hide, Tinnin's Fang, Tyger's Tail

    Mythic Trials 75lv (Weapons to killed x 1000 Mobs)
    Mythic Trials 80lv (Weapons to killed x 400 Mobs)
    Mythic Trials 85lv ZNM T4 (Sarameya, Tinnin, Tyger killed x3)
    Mythic Trials 90lv Salvage Chariots NM (killed x3)
    Mythic Trials 95lv - 119lv (Mulcibar's Scoria x3 ) (Beitetsu x 300)

    Newcomer Pack $200

    3x99 Basic Jobs w/ full genkai unlocked
    Rank 10 Nation of your choice
    RoZ Completed
    CoP Completed
    ToAU Completed
    Rhapsody in White, Umber and Azure acquired
    Combat/Magic Skills capped
    Trusts from Missions and RoE
    Chocobo/Mount quests completed
    Mog Satchel/Mog Sack unlocked
    Gobbiebag 80 inventory
    All maps purchased
    6/6 Runic Portals
    6/6 Teleport Crystals
    SoA unlocked with town waypoints
    Various Home Points and Survival Guides
    5,000,000 Gil
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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