Sold Selling sell - High Level UWC rare acc

Discussion in 'Dead Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Inquisitor WOlf, 3/14/17.

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  1. Inquisitor WOlf

    Inquisitor WOlf
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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

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    Stats: Level 214 str:100 End:124 Agi:124 Acc:97 Crit 110 Rld:124 /// Melee:120 Pisol:120 Rilfe:120 Shotgun:103 Machinegun:120 Explosive:0 (enough money for a stat reset garunteed)

    Inventory: Bank-300Mil+ UWC(GC),Veangeance Guard(GC),X-Dusk Razor(GC),X-Dusk Enforcer(GC) 577 Rex, AA-12(MC),X-Dusk Helm,Green Cloak,Tatajau Reactive (MC), Bio Reactive(MC) //Ammo: (2 Unlimited ammo guns) (assorted Big Stacks)

    Implants: MOTL(Unique),Destruction(LTO),Jack of All(LTO),Ironskin(x4),Perception(x7),Survival(x3)C hristmas(x3)

    GM Until 22nd July 2017

    Will Delete friend list before selling, i am Looking for around $600 OBO because i have some bills to take care of, and a pregnant GF. There are many unique items on this account as well as a high level and items that would cost you $400 and $200 just to get on your own. Plus with the amount of money ad unique implants it's not a Ludacris offer.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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