Selling/Trading complete 99 Coins 3* and 999,999,999 gil for Magicite. PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO. NOTE 1: I can reroll an account with the coins for you. If your want the skill coin in your account: Since it's a glitch, not a #, I need to enter in your Steam or sinc an Steam account temporally to your mobius, pm for more info. NOTE 2: In JP server, I can glitch Ability Ticket aswell (more tickets, more magicite), but it's up to you how much you want, I do have 5k in the acc that I play there, I don't know if it has ban risk for having like 50k of Ability Tickets, but I can easly make the 50k. Price: 165k Magicite or 115$, you don't even need to send the money to me, you can pay to a Magicite seller of your trust to put it for me, I don't have any intrest in making money playing Mobius, I just found that glitch (as u can see in the video), and I am trying to get supreme/magicites without spend my money. For more info or Prints msg me: Whatsup: +55 82 99919-7773 Line: ibirajara Discord: Ibira#4324 Facebook.: Video: Picture: http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1502157725/ffdya4phn6nu4ufmalh0.jpg