To work bot, no additional software is required. When comes down to some update, then bot re-download yourself does not need monitors his version and updates it. Bot runs fully in the background without taking up neither the keyboard nor the mouse. Does not interfere with work at the computer. The bot can be minimized and you can play in parallel to another game, watch a movie or go to sleep. The bot emphasizes uninterrupted work, even if the bot somewhere is stuck, will teleport to the city and start all over again. There is also an "antikrasher" he monitors the crashes and disconnections of the game, restarts the game client and go on to farm. The bot can repair your equipment, melt or sell loot. If player filled backpack he teleports to the city, sells, melts loot, repair equipment, then back to the boss. If your character is killed, he resurrects in the city and starts all over again. If the game window crashes, the bot restarts it and starts all over again. If the character can not do something, he will repeat it himself. If it does not work, the game client restarts, teleports to the city and starts all over again.