Sold Selling Sell account 40million power

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by smole, 12/6/16.

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  1. smole

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    I want to sell my account.

    At the present time are the following features

    ** Level headquarters - 22

    ** All buildings - 22

    Energy: 40million + (and I continue to play on, the power will go up)

    ** 35 million gold

    VIP 100 , and more than 2 billion in the bag

    Completed research

    Completely mastered: the economy, traps, Advanced traps, fighting, advanced combat, the commander, tactics battles 70%, and the rest ...


    100 billion food , 100 billion oil
    180 billion, stone 200 billion iron 400 billion currency


    500 days, 200 days 150 days, 100 days, 90 days 0.75 days 0.70 days, 60 days and 50 days, 30 days 0.25 days 0.20 days 0.15 days 0.10 days 0.7 days 0.5 days 0.4 days 0.3 days 0.2 days 24 hours: a total of more than 45,000 days of speedup

    Offers unlocked

    The black market, speed factory, .... all

    Badges unlocked level 6:

    Second permanent queue to research and build a queue

    Immediate elimination more than 30

    Cyanide pills 2 hours 6 hours 8 hours

    Exacvators and Cranee


    All the legendary gear ( All ) , tools

    A lot of research files

    A lot of boosts

    A lot of cuts maintenance

    A lot of everyday opportunities and prospects for coalition

    A lot of peace and anti-armor scouts including the 30days

    A lot of boosts defense and attack

    I want to sell the account for the highest price (if several people are interested in). A lot of time and energy has gone on to achieve the levels of research and reach the level of proficiency.

    Payment will be by: pay pal

    - - - Updated - - -

    "G H O S T" Location - S:459 X:124 Y:134
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