Sold Selling Secondlife account with sl store marketplace + premium bought items + free l$

Discussion in 'Second Life Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by milesmain, 3/2/17.

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  1. milesmain

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    I am selling a 2015 account Sleekland with Premium SL Store Marketplace with own built items. I'll provide the templates I have that you can use to continue to build high quality items for sell on the SL marketplace. Business comes with Logo + Banners psd files for edit and use when selling your items. Get fast L$ by selling your items on the store. Store link:

    Account is also perfect to open a rental business in game since it has premium rental scripts bought and best premium buildings perfect for rental sim. It was having in the past a place like this open for rental but was closed since no longer had time to take care of it.

    Account also has L$600 left on it. A group is present on the account too.

    Price: $50 dollars.
    Payment to PayPal.
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