Sold Selling Sea Chests , Soulbinder Keys , Costumes , and much more (Killian-Eu) :3

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nohnoha, 10/7/16.

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  1. nohnoha

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    Welcome to The Bunnis Shop :3

    I have so many in-game items Sea Chests,Soulbinder and StrongBox Keys , Costumes , Accessories .. etc
    I'll list some items and prices below and when they get sold i'll update the shop :3
    P.S : special offers for big amounts
    :3 i have plenty of each item

    Skype : cold_flash93

    Payment : PayPal

    Here's the table with items and prices and some pics : http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1475799540/vwb0bge9iqotn7s8sd7v.jpg

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