Selling Selling Sc account /w rsi polaris lti & sabre comet lti & $40 store credit.

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AztecForever, 12/4/16.

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  1. AztecForever

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    Included in the Account is a Polaris LTI, Sabre Comet LTI, and $40 In-Store Credit. Account was created on June 21,2014. There are many Buyback options available on this account also including Aegis Gladius Valiant LTI, Retaliator Base LTI, Infamous Package /w 3YR, Redeemer Package LTI, etc...

    The ships are not giftable, however, the handle and account name can be changed.

    Account cost $975 but I am asking for $650. Please send PM if interested.
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