Selling Selling SC Account for sale, Origin Jumpworks M50 with 3mo. ins and Mustang Beta LTI

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by arterus, 5/7/17.

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  1. arterus

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    Selling my SC account, have two ships, both upgraded from other things. Just don't think I'll have the time to play this at all.

    Will take Paypal, open to offers for other things (amazon gift cards, steam AAA titles, etc.) or a combination of things.

    M50 is a great racing ship (while the 350R is faster stock, the M50 will be much much faster after upgrades and mods)

    The Mustang Beta was selected for my "daily driver" because of it's ability to travel far, carry a little cargo, and have the BEST mini-apartment built into it (seriously, look at the pictures of the cabin when you get a chance, it looks awesome).

    My intent was to fly the Beta around when I wasn't crew on a capital ship for money, and then do some racing on the weekends for some side cash (hence the M50 being the sweet race car in the garage).

    Includes both online and Squadron 42 access. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact me on here or (preferably) through Steam. Thanks.
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