Sold Selling S15 (VIP 10) Android- Level 221- #1 Guild in the Bracket - Power 800k+

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gaialover, 12/11/17.

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  1. Gaialover

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    1 copy away from 10* asmodel, iceblink, rosa, dantalian
    10* aidan
    10* balrog
    10* walter
    10* ormus
    10* demon hunter
    9* miki
    9* bloodblade
    9* iceblink
    9* dark arthendol
    9* das mog
    9* dantalian
    9* rosa
    9* asmodel
    9* michelle
    9* margaret

    Max Fox
    Deer Evo 3
    Tower 454
    Very nice orange artifacts

    Price-Shoot me an offer, I don't bite :)
    Payments accepted: paypal friends + family

    To get my attention faster skype me at manda.m5 or line me at spideypoolfan

    Pictures are below:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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