Sold Selling S1, S3, S7 Tier-1 Titles. Furious Weapons/Gear and S-1 Rancors.

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Zuxime, 2/22/17.

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  1. Zuxime

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    So I've decided to just sell the account since I can't find a trader. I'm looking to get $300 out of it.

    Most of my toons are on Harbinger with a few located across Shadowlands and Ebon hawk. Highest geared toon is in 240s and it's an Assassin and that's about it. Let's be honest, gearing is a mess in 5.0. The Assassin also has 1600+ rating this season in solo ranked, so enjoy this season's rewards if BW doesn't end up taking a year+ to release them.

    My Account includes

    • 1 set of furious gear awarded at the end of season 3
    • 2 sets of furious weapons
    • Three season 1 rancors (Scoundrel, Sorcerer, and Juggernaut)
    • Two sets of season 1 ranked gear
    • Recruit force-master's set (Sorcerer)
    • Columi force-master's set (Sorcerer)
    • Giradda's Acklay mount from season 7 (Powertech)

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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