Sold Selling S> Void Elsword Accound

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Nexanity, 2/15/17.

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  1. Nexanity

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    5/5 AA Ciel
    5/5 AA Lu
    Plenty of Normal costumes (mostly on Luciel)
    Ciel and Lu Perkisas Wep
    4/4 LoW Ciel
    2/4 LoW Lu
    5/5 AD Eve
    5/5 AA Eve
    Equipment (Noteable ones):
    Warrior's Necklace
    Warriors Monicle both Unique
    +10 Perkisas wep for both Lu and Ciel : Full socket Maximize
    +10 and 9 Heroic pieces (Unique) Stated with mostly max the rest into other.
    +9 Saviors drone (unique)


    Curse of Chaos on Luciel
    Reaper on Add

    Noteable and Strongest Character: Luciel

    Other Things:

    Has Mech Gear full
    2 magic necklaces
    6 lvl 92's
    (most of the chars uses the same mech gear through bankshare.
    +10 Strong powers of Darkness dynamo for Add

    Asking Price: $350
    Payment method (NonNegotiable): Paypal
    Contact: Nexanity (Discord), PM, Nexanity (Void IGN)

    I am also considering selling my KR Els that has lvl 90+ Ain (Since I am not on it as much) that one may be $30
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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