Sold Selling S> the best SAO account all lv 100 OS + 5* weapon, all Wind batch (Asia)

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KamiShirou, 3/6/17.

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  1. KamiShirou

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    This is the same account from my old thread, the reason why I closed the old one was because I think I could do more and make a better value out of the account, which turned out to be true.

    lv 100 OS Kirito + 5 * weapon
    lv 100 OS Asuna + 5 * weapon
    lv 100 OS Silica + 5 * weapon
    lv 80 OS Sinon + 4 * weapon
    lv 80 OS Liz + 4 * weapon
    lv 90 SAO Silica + 4* weapon
    lv 80 SAO Asuna + 4* weapon

    4 * medallion Asuna and Kirito with their weapons ( I have not used my gold medallions yet, got both of them from silver gatcha - rank 1 OS event btw)

    All wind batch units + their 4 * weapon (Argo, Silica, Premier - I got enough 4 * weapon for Wind Silica to make her 5*) - Characters list - Weapon list - Weapon list - Weapon list

    Will only take offer for the time being - do not ask me for the price.
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