Sold Selling S/T> Rb8 Ranger

Discussion in 'Avabel Lupinus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xDeadlySin, 4/9/17.

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  1. xDeadlySin

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    Selling pm me offers
    Trading to Rogue/Monk with good gears must be Rb4+
    No Mage/Warrior

    Willing to Trade for a Low Rb Rogue/Monk but must have good CC and Gears

    10s Gears
    10s Silver white rune bow lvl80 (awake x1)
    10s Tweed lvl80 Helm ready to awake materials in storage
    10s Oscuro Upper
    10s Pyromecs (awake x1) materials ready for awake 2
    2x str10 rings

    CC 8/41

    Line User ID - 01082010080488
    Kik - naztyd08
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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