Sold [Selling] [S] Packs / Skins / Adventures

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GameStuff, 1/5/17.

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  1. GameStuff

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    Welcome in our threat !

    We are a group of people whos start selling stuff in games like 1 year ago. We are selling stuff to many games like CS GO / Hearthstone / WoW. and many more.
    We made here there threat to find more customers not only from portugal and spain. We try to give best prices , if you find somewhere better price we will give same price as our rivel ^^
    For regular customers we five a lot discounts for whole stuff! So Better be with us for a LOOONG TIME !

    About Hearthstone ;

    As you know amazon change their political about selling packs ( the won't sellers like we to sell that much packs because blizzard loosing so much money on it, that's why we can buy only for 3 people PER DAY so be patient because sometimes it have to wait like 3/4 days till order will made )

    Our prices are depents about dicsount in the time so just write to us for more information!

    Ask us Here in Private Message or in game GameStuff #21218

    Payment Methods ;
    * PayPal
    * Bank Transfer
    * Online Cards

    If you are on other server then EUROPE log into europe to write to us, or write here PM we will change server ; )

    Have a nice day and better year !!!
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