Sold Selling S> Luke Ready Raven

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by cdh, 11/18/17.

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  1. cdh

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    I am selling an account with Raven main that is luke ready.

    I also got 7 characters for anton raids as well but they aren't epic full and insignificant compared to Raven. (also, 3 swift masters and 1 mech for farming gradine.)

    This account has 5 saders. (2 saders with deep rooted cross)

    My raven is

    1/1 Golden Lux
    1/1 Savior Revolver

    (I have lvl60 epic DBR+3 revolver on other sader so you can transfer it to raven if you wish)

    3/3 5 Sense

    5/5 tactical
    5/5 full plate
    4/5 NG

    4/5 Radiant (*last piece is on other character and I got 120 epic souls. I can get about additional 40 epic souls by dissing useless epics.)
    2/5 Formal

    2/3 Civ (pars and babellon symbol. Magic stone is bimute stone and king's tear)

    Hot Summer Prime (Dream) Title with all ele+4 equipped.

    Raven is my main and all you need to do is to go to luke and anton raids to upgrade radiant set, while collecting epic souls with other anton ready characters to transfer the last radiant piece to raven.


    Looking for $400.

    I am currently running all anton raid characters to transfer the last radiant piece for complete radiant 5/5.
    After finishing my radiant 5/5, the price will go up.

    My discord ID is johnP#9863 or email me at [email protected]
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