Selling level 74 Gunner Gear: 70 Orange Sprite set Fully +15 70 Yellow Gun +16 3 slots Accuracy reroll 8% Crit Damage stones 60 Triple 1H Yellow 50 Burn 1H Yellow 70 1H yellow 70 1H Purple 8% 10% 12% R Atk Stones Level 3 Penetration Talent Marine AGI,Sparkling AGI,Vivid AGI,Gleaming AGI,Normal AGI Nucleus(s) Messenger Of Steal GM Title 800 M def pot 400 Defense Pot Golden Lion Combat Mount -32% Defense Sprite Helmet Looking for PayPal, Around $50-$100 USA, always open for payment negotiations. Leave contact Information below and ill get back to you ASAP, I usually get back really fast.