Sold Selling S>khux account, ill kairi exi and ill xion ex!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Finalstory, 1/2/18.

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  1. Finalstory

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    Selling my main KHUX account.
    T7: Ill Kairi Ex, Ill Xion Ex
    T6 Guilted: HD Xion, Aqua&Stitch, TWEWY(7 copies),
    T5 Guilted: KH 0.2 King Mickey, HD Master Form Sora, Tieri(iKairi KH2),

    Noteables: Antiform Sora and some guilted T4s. Lots of T5 unguilted. A whole lot of T3s guilted.

    Will be looking for $75.

    Do note that I will NOT go first and will ONLY take Amazon Gift Cards as payment(can buy from
    If interested, shoot me up an email at [email protected]
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