Sold Selling S> Gold, DC and Anton carry Warlord account

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ottto, 12/16/17.

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  1. ottto

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    Sell Gold @0.55 to 1mi ratio. Have around 100mi
    around 5000 DC at current auction hall price and 0.55 gold ratio
    Take both gold and DC for $150

    Now onto the account
    Warlord: the main character. 9/12 bis, almost end game, has lv80 and both lv85 epic halberd. 3 pieces millennium set, 2/3 sensory, 2/3 ice princess and 3 pieces echon set. Strong Anton carry, almost luke raid ready. 13/20 for Savior halberd. Arthurian knights avatar set, legendary insignia. Definitely one of the top lancers
    Blood mage: +11 amp lv 90 epic spear, epic earring(Bridal Pearl) and ancient legendary set. Rare Avatar set, unique insignia and Guan Yu creature.
    Swift Master: lv 80 and lv 85 epic poles. one piece lv90 epic bottom, ancient legendary set. Three kingdom avatar set.
    Seraph: epic lv80 cross, Great Glory set+some skill level and int boosts, 3000 INT.
    Indra: epic lv80 short sword and legendary set. AK avatar look(no clone).
    Close to lv90 idle characters:
    Mistress, Durandal, Eclipse, Nemsis
    They are not well geared, for farming purpose
    Below lv70s:
    Hellkite and dark knight.
    Abandoned basically.

    If you want the acc untouched, the price is $400.
    Otherwise I'll sell anything I can cash out and leave the equipment. The price then will be $250
    Paypal only, money first and absolutely no scam. Add me on discord at Trollasfk#9475
    You can request an account view.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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