Dark knight BF 5/5 Civ 5/5 5s 5/5 metal line 4/5 Saviors glory short sword 10/8 Scared sword:Excalibur 7/8 World pendulum 11/8 Majesty NG 5/5 Tactical 5/5 Full plate 3/5 Metal line 4/5 Rad 2/5 5s 1/3 Scared Sword: Excalibur 12/0 Fish ball Line Time Traveler's watch Worshipful General's textbook Bismute Stone 3/3 Avarice Saint1 3k vit 43/17 Vow9 with 3 55vit enchant Magic Cataclysm Fishball line Time Traveler's watch Deep root Cross Saviors glory totem Saviors glory Battle axe Pars, Time Defier Ring Reset ring (1000/1000) Saint2 2.1k vit 40/18 Vow9 Metal line shoes Metal line top, Tibia Bone Boots(Apoc+2) Reset ring Saviors Glory battle axe F brawler 3x Source of Disease Power Arm Chain Leggings Glassy orb silk pants Metal line top Native ornamental shoes Black Moon Wolf 10/5 Cyan Hoop Armlet Capri Empher Pars Water sound Bridal Pearl Condensed Grude Orb Dark Lord 9Too set (18lvl Too) Fish ball line Saviors Glory Bludgeon Saviors Glory Katana Meta line shoes Dethroned King's tear Looking for serious buyer wanna sell on 800+ Feel free to Offer Contact me Discord InferiorDK#9822