S>Dragon nest sea account with full genesis accesories (necklace + 2 ring (all still can be sealed) ) 2 lvl 70 fd plate 2 lvl 80 fd plate 2 lvl 90 fd plate main char : Academic (Shooting star) +13 RDN L cannon +13 RDN L kabala +13 RDN L transformer threaded loop +13 RDN L controller threader loop +12 Leica cannon +13 RDN L Upper body +12 Evolution kornu helm +13 Evolution kornu lower body +12 epic kornu glove +12 epic kornu shoes Full Talisman with 2nd stat FD +6 variant jade (i going +8 it before sell it) 5 +15 wind jade 4 legend dark jade 4 legend fire jade 4 legend lake jade 4 legend light jade Legend dark jade convertor Legend fire jade convertor Tough earring 4 kornu accessories Full epic set costume (Full collection of almost all old and new cute costume ) (full cash accesories) (full geraint set + 1 geraint kabala) (full golden weapon) (i have extra 3 epic weapon ticket) (11 page of cash item) (have 15 set wings) (have 18 mount <included of fd mount> ) (have almost all minion released , <sasha minion lvl 20> , <casper minion lvl 44>) (have ice dragon nest hardcore title event) (have 3 unique hero lvl 20<iona,geraint,argenta>, 6 lvl 20 rare hero, 2 lvl 20 hero magic ) (Hero lvl stats lvl 58) FD 7600 FD (i going max cap it to 8333 before sell probably) tht for main char first i still have +13 dual RDNL on sniper with set fd wing with the stat arlady 100% fd on lvl 93 cap , and cleric (full epic with many cash item) , and +13 rdn l weapon on sorcerer i will only give to photo for someone tht really can buy it OPEN BID : 7k usd email : [email protected]