Selling Selling S>Cop mage 3pc

Discussion in 'Pocket Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yogaaaaa, 11/25/16.

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  1. Yogaaaaa

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    S>3Pc Mage account
    The mage have:
    -COP helm
    -Angel vanity
    -All angelic sets
    -Silver OCD
    -Red santa cap
    -HardLight shield(white holo)
    -Gratitude Shield
    -Gratitude helm
    -All Bunny ears
    -Winter fest vanities
    -Winter fest bow and armor
    -Valentines bouquet
    -Super mom bouquet
    -Mitas pet
    -Crafted golden drag set
    -Valentines Balloon
    -Coal balloon and other drags
    76 bird and 70 fox in account
    Pm me on Kik yoga1111
    Looking in game gold
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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