Sold Selling S> Clean Endgame account with 18 5* (Full Inherit Bridelia , Nino , Ryoma)

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by cyrie, 7/27/17.

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  1. cyrie

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    Here are some pictures of interest:

    Account was made around the time Eirika and Ephraim banner came out.
    Lost interest in the game so hoping to just sell it for a decent price.
    Account is completely clean and no hacks.
    Account is Binded with a nintendo account, But I will provide a dummy email along with the nintendo account where you can change the info of.

    Most Story maps are cleared but there are maybe a few orbs left to farm
    Chain challenge and squad assault untouched.
    Tier 16 in Arena.

    Looking for Paypal using Family and Friends payment option. Looking for around 70$
    I can provide pictures of proof that I have the account once we transact etc if you want.
    Please PM me through Discord as its probably the fastest way to get to me ID: Rie#5687
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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