Sold Selling S>Cheap asia acc 40ace 40 eillene 40 wk 34 lv bu 32 teo raid 1mil^easy 4.3k

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by splrltz, 11/4/16.

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  1. splrltz

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    im looking to sell my account

    Server: Asia
    Level: 59
    Currently still playing, not so active, only do mission + event
    Currently On lv Bu Puzzle(Left 4 mobs can settle)
    Gold 200k, Topaz 35 , Ruby 722 , Keys 200+
    Arena: easy to 4300, Average 4600 (more if you spam)
    Mastery: All Max
    Formation: important 2 Max
    Castle Rush easly reach 2m for normal mode
    Celestial tower done all level
    Raid 99 lvl dragon auto 700k above

    List Special Heroes
    - Eillene Lvl. 40 *6 +5(Special Costume, 7knight set all stat x 2) (Gold Frame) Awaken Weap: x2 28,26% Spd, Awaken Armor: x2 HP 1950,1650, with jewels (all *6, red+5) and accessories: 6* HP+20%. [Role: Raid, Adv, Dungeon, CR, and as a backup in Guild War]
    - Rachel Lvl. 32 *6 +5(Special Costume, 7knight set all stat x 2) (GF) ++ Weap: x2 Crit 32% and spd 25%, Armor: x2 HP 950,900, with all *6 Jewels and accessories: 4* HP 5%
    - Spike Lvl. 34 *6 +5(Special Costume, 7knight set all stat x 2) (GF) Awaken Weap: 35%,30% lethal, Armor: x2 HP 950,1050, with all *6 Jewels and accessories: 6* Defend 15%
    - Sun Wukong Lvl. 40 *6 +5(Costume) (GF) Awaken Weap: spd 26%+crit 35%(dmg max), Awaken Armor: x2 HP 1800,1650 with jewels (all *6,red+5) and accessories: 6* Reduce buff duration
    - Ace Lvl. 40*6 +5(Costume) (GF) ++ Awaken Weap: x 27% and 26% Spd, Awaken Armor: HP 1950,1800 , Jewels All *6 (Red is special 7knight gem), accessories: 6* HP+20%.
    - Lu Bu Lvl. 34 *6 +5(Costume) (GF) ++ Awaken Weap: x2 34%,31% Lethal , Armor: x2 31% ,32% Counter, All *6 Jewels (Red +5),accessories: 6* Slience.
    - Teo Lvl. 32 *6 +5 (GF) ++ Weap: x2 28%,28% Spd, Armr: x2 32%,30% Counter, Jewels All *6 (Red special 7knight gem +5),accessories: 6* Paralyze.
    - Kris *6 (Special Costume, 7knight set all stat x 2)
    - Dellon *6 (1 baby *4) (Special Costume, 7knight set all stat x 2)
    - Jave *4 (Special Costume, 7knight set all stat x 2)

    Normal Heroes
    - Giparang Lvl. 40 *6 +5, x2 25% awaken Spd Weapons (GF)
    - Yu Shin Lvl. 40 *6 +5, x2 25% Spd, 30% lethal Weapons (Cost) (GF)
    - Lina Lvl. 40 *6 +5 (GF)
    - Black Rose Lvl. 40 *6 +5 x2 27% Spd (GF)
    - Shane Lvl. 40 *6 +5(Costume) (GF), x2 awaken weapon 35%,32% lethal , accessories 20% crit dmg, all 6* jewel(Red special 7knight gem +5)
    - Jupy Lvl. 40 *6 +5 (GF) x2 awaken weapon 26%,26% Spd , accessories 10% crit dmg, all 6* jewel
    - Espada Lvl. 40 *6 +5 (GF)
    - Lord Lee Jung 38 *6 +5(GF) use for Castle Rush, easy reach 2m for normal mode
    - Asura Lvl. 36 *6 +5 (GF)
    - Karon Lvl. 36 *6 +5 (GF)
    - Nia Lvl. 36 *6 +5 (GF)
    - Feng Yan Lvl. 36 *6 +5 (GF)
    - Rei Lvl. 34 *6 +5 (GF) use for farm
    - Yui Lvl. 32 *6
    - Da Qian 32*6
    - Zhu Ge liang 32*6
    - Bai Long 32*6(GF)
    - Nia 32*6
    - Bidam 32*6
    - Sieg Lvl. 32 *6 (GF)
    - Velika Lvl. 30 *6
    - Karin Lvl. 30 *6
    - Alice Lvl 32*6
    - Lucy lvl 30*6
    - Victoria lvl 30*6
    - Lania lvl 30*6

    Open Price: $150 (#)
    Payment: Paypal or Malaysia Bank account, middle man playerup
    Pm me for other contact way if needed. etc gtalk Line
    You can add my ign if need to view my account, just contact me your ign

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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