Selling Selling S> Alexina 7k/3k human, 20k AP, LOTS of pets/partners, gear, skill

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tivadar, 1/8/17.

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  1. tivadar

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    Selling Alexina account.

    8 banking alts (1 giant, 1elf, 6 humans)
    14 partner pets (2 maid, 2 butler, butler with carriage, maid with broom mount, 9 commerce partners and one uncreated commerce partner card)
    4x Phoenix
    5x Nimbus (cloud pet)
    6x Bone dragon
    7x Black Flamemare
    Tangerine pet from Hatsune Miku event
    Rudolf from Xmas event
    2x Alpacca
    2x Warp imp
    Sheep (rebirthed from warp imp, has 100+ mana)
    Clover pig (rebirthed from warp imp and thunder spaniel, has 122 mana)
    Polar bear pet (some other xmas event pet)
    11x doki doki event pets (cats and dogs at random)
    Flying Food Truck pet

    Notable skills
    Life: R1 Rank1 Tailoring, weaving, refining, blacksmithing, shylien ecology, magic craft (its r2 and there are skill training seals on a pet to get it to r1 in ~20 seconds), herbalism, fishing, prod. mastery, carpentry, exploration mastery

    Combat:R1 defense, smash, counter, assault slash, windmill, combat mastery, critical hit, lance counter, lance charge, final hit, sword, axe, blunt, heavy armor, lance and shield mastery. Ranged attack is r4, arrow revolver is r5, bow mastery is r6 i think, didn`t really care about range. Have r6 HLB and r6 wing bow r1 reforged though.

    Magic: Everything is capped except the following: Lightning rod, Ice/lightning/natural/fire shield, inspiration. Snap Cast is only r2. Everything else is r1 or capped, yes enchanting too.

    Alchemy: Heat buster is R5, Golden time is r2 and elemental wave is r3 (not entirely sure about hydra). Other than those, everything is R1, including synth, golem, so everything else.

    Fighter: Knuckle mastery r1

    Music: everything maxed

    Hidden: Potion lore, doppelganger, shockwave R1.

    The gunner/ninja skills aren`t maxed due to lack of interest, but there are also related skill tranining potions to finish off higher ranks of those.

    Incredible amount of stuff.
    Level 43 ego 2h with elemental 8 reforge (fire4 lightning4)
    Colossal inventory (4 hatsune miku bags, lux bag, simon`s clothing bag, RM welcome bag, medium sized bag, eirawen bag, some other bags on alts)
    Step6 upgraded weapons:
    r6 HLB (r1 reforge)
    r6 Wing bow (r1 reforge)
    r6 tidal (moist-ripple)
    s6 tidal (moist-ripple)
    moist-wave guard cylinder
    abysmal guard cylinder
    allegro-rythm lyre
    s6 speedy heavypunch merlin knux with 46 will 50 intellect artistan
    masterpiece bow
    r1 s6 lich crocodile devil slayer (lol)
    r1 black dragon knight`s bow
    r1 s6 hermit staff with 37 MP, 52 luck, 81 int, gives over 100 magic attack when equipped, with mana conjurer and island enchants.
    Comes with a full hebona set (10/10), with enchants too, equipping it with the hermit staff also grants mana usage reduction bonus (soaked-clever circlet, mana hammer-homestead gloves, mana wall enchant on 4/4 trinity wear).
    r1 basic avenger death knight armor.
    refined imp mythryl lace heavy armor
    sweet garden shocking ice cream for the lols (and a half dozen of heart fire wands for same reason).
    12x platinum hammers of durability
    Nuadha set
    Hebona set
    Cressida wear (good stats but kinda forgot and cant care to dig it up from pets for now)
    Portia dress (for looks)
    Portia dress (r1 level19 commerce speed reforge)
    2 commerce reforges
    20-30 blue upgrade stones
    r1 shamaness outfit (have 2, one isnt reforged)
    fleet feet
    Yui and Belisha doll
    Eagle mask shield
    black AND white angel wings
    some pets full with SP grade potions (doesnt give potion sickness), so with nimbus pets, you`ll unlikely to ever need buying a potion, ever.
    a pet full with holy water stacks, a pet half full with arat crystals, pet full with finest firewood, etc
    basically there`s a pet for most professions to hold relevant items, and most of them are pretty much packed. Ie. Weawingstuff has an inv full with cloth bags such as fine leather, finest leather, fine and finest fabrics. of course there are 1-1 bags of theh cheap and commons as well. Tailoringstuff has the silks.
    Also have rosemary recipe 30/30 uses left.
    Enchanted yukata mini set (encore-ambush rank1 reforged yukata mini, oasis-ecstasy geta sandals, magical-dexterity kitty ears headband)
    Have some 3-4mil gold in cash, but compared to the stuff on pets and bank, that amount is relatively irrelevant.

    There are various fashion items, will compile complete list for serious quotes.

    The reason i`m selling this account is because my main goal in the game was to max out every single skill with master titles, in a way, that all bars would be fully filled up (pink), but due to being careless, used a full skill reset which has reset all my skills and rewarded 20k ap from them. While i didn`t lose the master titles (they can be used again upon reranking), the bars were to be filled again to make it cosmetically look like i want, and that`s something i just can`t bother anymore.

    Aiming for 1500$, of course price is up for negotiation
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