Sold Selling S> Alcyone anton raid ready, +12 lib, epics, rare clone set, (read me)

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dusdn1214, 11/10/17.

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  1. dusdn1214

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    *Edit* Images does not show please contact me for images

    - Force Hit end set (nice beads enchanted)

    - +12 (8) Liberation Dagger

    - Constant attack set (9 peice set effect)

    - 145 water damage in town

    - Owned rare clone set and also have other top rare avater with Hit End +lv1 emblem enchanted (emblem cost 15mil and 10mil for top rare avatar)

    Talk to me
    Discord: dsagfeq

    Thanks :D
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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