Sold [Selling] Rust Private cheat - no bullshit (Slot limited/was invite only)

Discussion in 'Rust Account for Sale - Buy Rust Accounts' started by shaky1211, 3/18/17.

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  1. shaky1211

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    This # was private/invite-only for a while. We have just recently started taking public orders but we will need your ID for safety reasons.
    All settings are modified with an in-game GUI Everything is customizable yet well organized. # made for rage # and closet #.
    detections: 0 and it will stay that way. We will go back to being private/low-profile when we get a few more customers.

    Aimbot (Bones, Prediction, Bullet drop, and much, much more)

    ESP -
    Everything, literally. No lag or fps drop.

    MISC -
    Fast farming (20k wood in under 2 minutes no kicks)
    Always day (you can also change the time as-you-like)
    Fly #
    Speed #
    Extremely low usage. No fps drops and very stable/smooth. Just ask for the video.

    constant updates, every week a few functions added/improved.
    Seamless works on windows 7-8-10.

    Zero detections and it'll stay that way.
    Everything is customizable. from the range to the color.
    I probably forgot some functions of the cheat.

    Contact & pricing info:
    Skype: Vioksabof#33
    Gmail: [email protected]
    You can also PM me here (ALWAYS PM ME HERE TO CONFIRM THE DEAL)
    Prices: $105 first month / $35 all months after that

    PM me for a video. We have a 10-minute long video and can make custom videos to assure you this is legit.

    PS: Feature list was cut for this thread, too much to list here.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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