Selling Selling Rupees Betrayal, Undine, Mephisto

Discussion in 'Rappelz Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kammis, 10/19/17.

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  1. Kammis

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    WTS rupees on
    US-Betrayal : if paypal ( 0.50$ - 1b ), if bitcoin ( 0.45$ - 1b )
    US-Undine : if paypal ( 0.50$ - 1b ), if bitcoin ( 0.45$ - 1b )
    DE- Mephisto : if paypal ( 0.60$ - 1b ), if bitcoin ( 0.55$ - 1b )
    it's because i pay fee 10% on paypal, bitcoin is better

    have 1000bil on all servers.
    accept only bitcoin and paypal ( using donation system on my private server, we can make a lof of deal with 1$ if you dont trust ).
    skype AirFlow32
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