Selling Selling Runes of Magic account

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Mage / Priest - lvl. 55/55

    Server: Isiltir ( newest EU PvP server )

    Hp: 13k+

    Mp: 8.5k+

    gold: 10kk+

    diamonds: 1000+

    ruby's: 50+

    Best purple Staff lvl 55 , Tier 8 / +6, Best armor items. etc etc

    Few pernament mounts, pernament pet, wings and whole bunch of items.

    Both characters on same game account: What i want is 65 euro or equal $, Bank to Bank only. Or 60eu to my gPotato account.

    Contact me for screens and questions on pm.


    Im interested, heres my msn, [email protected] /* */

    but seeing that ur not trust who verefied and u got 2 posts to your name, im not sending any moneybefore i have acces to the acc and info...


    And u have 14 posts and that make you more trustable?

    I cane send all info , make screens ect, i will not give no1 access before payment, account can be easy cleaned.


    "I wanna sell my Runes of Magic account.

    First character on newest PvE EU server Isiltir

    Class: Mage / Priest

    Lvl: 55 / 55

    Hp /mp: 12.2k / 8k

    Best itmes can have for both classes, Tier 6 epic staff, best made armor set.

    2x Pernament monuts

    Pernament unique pet

    Angel wings

    10kk+ gold

    300+ diamonds

    2nd. character on Siochan server

    Class: Warrior / Knight

    Lvl: 50 / 47

    Hp / mp: 7.5k / 4.5k

    Pernament mount


    Some gold

    Price: Left for Dead 2 steam gift"

    Scammer! Exact post that scammed me!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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