Selling Selling Runes of Magic account (Macantaht - EU)

Discussion in 'Runes of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 8/1/15.

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  1. Games

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    Wanna sell Runes of Magic account on Macantaht EU server:

    Main char:

    Class: Warrior/Knight

    Level: 55/55

    HP: 15.9k

    Phys dmg/phys attk: 2700+/8700+

    Str: 3200

    Sta: 2300

    Dex: 900+

    Weapon: Tier 8, 55lvl epic purple 2H-axe, 2000 dmg

    Armor: Full Cyclop chain set (2 parts are high 100+ dura), fully stated +6, all items have 3-4 rune slots with III, IV, V and VI tier runes inserted (Potential, Atonement, Guts, Might, Power...), 2x Moa's stats, on belt and accesory, wings stated...

    For more info and screenshots, pls use PM on forum only.

    Price is 200 euros, but I'm open up for every kind of deal.

    If u are interested, PM, and thx.

    edit: added Sell icon to post.


    bUMP! is this a PVE server?
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