Has piety
Slayer helm
Charming Imp , Bone crusher , herbicide, scroll of cleansing
Dust Devil mask (for slayer tasks)
170 Boss kills for war's retreat (tele unlocked)
Desert Treasure
World Wakes
Eadgar's Ruse
Ring of Death and Large Rune Pouch
Greater call of the seas, brawler , sharpshooter and vampyrism auras
(stats and quest points)
I can provide further screenshots (such as that of the bank and quest log etc.) and information upon inquiry
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Martin VarbanovExpand Collapse
- Price $:
- 35
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Martin VarbanovExpand Collapse
- This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
Martin VarbanovExpand Collapse
- This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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