Sold Selling Roblox account for auction starting at 1k

Discussion in 'Roblox Items for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Item' started by /u/Link_BreathOfTheWild, 9/1/22.

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  1. /u/Link_BreathOfTheWild

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    Selling my old roblox account with alot of money in it because i don't play that game anymore.
    Auction will end as soon as i see a price that attracts me, i will show the price that interests me for one day before accepting.
    Auctions in comments.

    Username : TomWolf30
    Email for contact : [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
    Picture of person who bought it : (Wont post if you do not want me to)

    Random Questions i asked myself before putting my account for auction :

    Q : Why an auction and why 1k ?
    A : I do not know how much my account is worth all i know is i spent +1k on it so thats why i am starting at 1k.

    Q : Can i see the account before and inventory ?
    A : Yes of course ! Inventory / Profile

    Q : What are you gonna do with the money ?
    A : Im gonna see, maybe some low-priced cosplays or something like that.

    Q : Will you want to use this again ?
    A : Never ! This platform is getting worse and worse, i wont come back or ask for the account back !

    Q : Does this account have games on it ?
    A : Can't remember if i have games on it. Tho shouldn't be against Roblox's trashy TOS.

    Q : Got banned/warning ?
    A : Nope ! Probably one of the cleanest accounts out there !

    Q : If i am not satisfied with the account can i get a refund ?
    A : No i wont accept the account back as it seems kinda hard to sell this kind of accounts.

    Q : Does this account have a lot of friends / followers ?
    A : No i do not have a alot of friends or follows. Only intressting thing is that DeterPlays (A Roblox developper i think) follows me.. for unknown ressons.

    Q : Did this account play a lot of games ?
    A : Yes.

    Q : Will you try to log into the account again ?
    A : No i wont. I don't like Roblox anymore.

    Thank you for reading.

    # #/Link_BreathOfTheWild
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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