Selling LVL 80 RM (Full Int FS) Naked ( MUSH) And Knight LVL 60 Fully Equipped (AIBATT) Will Trade Both For A Good BLADE Or Gpots Both Accounts Are Male PM For More Info Account for Sale Main Character Information Sell 400m Panya at Glaphan Serverselling 400m Panya at Glahan server $80 dollar for 400m panya mine is... ***************************************************** Account for Sale Main Character Information Selling Psy lvl 83!!!i Selling Psy lvl 83 140 Stam 55 Int Full equip lvl 75 Set lvl 90 +5 +4 ATK please Say me for PM. Account for Sale Main Character Information Anything other than Paypal???Is there any other safe way to buy a flyff account without paypal?? I'm still underage to have a paypal account, but I have money...I want so many things, but there all Paypal....that sucks.... Thanks in advance Account for Sale Main Character Information T> rs cash for flyff penyaTrading rs cash for flyff penya i only take penya from kern, glaphan and mia. my rate is - 1m rs = 10m glaphan kern mia 10m rs = 95m glaphan / kern mia 100m rs = 900m glaphan / kern mia i am willing to spend 140m cash on rs. MM or you go first my email is - ***************************************************** add me and msg me there. also trading a level 104 rs account, 90 str + 78 account and 60m cash for a level 70 + psy or 80 + bj. Also i will trade all the cash + 104 and 78 accounts for a good psy with a bit of penya + eq's. also with the psy im looking for crucio build psys. 50 int rest sta. and for bj 40 or less sta and rest dex. Tah Account for Sale Main Character Information Trading WoW Acct for lvl 60+ BladeTrading my WoW Account which has a lvl 30 Warrior on it for a lvl 60+ Blade or Knight or AoE BP in Mush server Account for Sale Main Character Information Selling or trading level 70 psy in Mushpoieselling or trading level 70 psy in mushpoie( i accpt penya green items) mainly want a level 60+ jester doesnt matter is yoyo jester or bowjester must be in mushpoie seerver ur character can be naked or i will accpet any level 59 acrobat or level 60+ rm knight ano other class other than this^^ if u are interested give give a post back or pm me^^^ Account for Sale Main Character Information B> ffly acc ount by scion of fate good account of fly for scion of fate golds.or something ..