Sold Selling Rin 38 teo 36 ace 40 wukong 40 lubu 40 karma 32 100$ nego asia - read

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hannyoz, 2/10/17.

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  1. hannyoz

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    Selling acc 7k Asia , cheap. Come to check

    Hello i would to sell account seven knights Asia Server.
    price $100 only # welcome
    my ID line: 1sthans
    Scammers go away !!!

    40 rudy
    34 spike
    32 karma
    36 teo
    38 rin
    40 Lubu
    40 sun wukong
    40 ace
    38 jave
    40 eilene
    34 kris
    36 dellon
    32 rachel

    pascal 40
    giparang 40
    yu shin 40
    lee jung 40
    xiao 40
    Bi dam 40
    da qiao 40

    Mastery : Max
    Arena 3600
    Price : 100$ # for sure
    Contact my Line ID: 1sthans
    Thanks, Safe greetings.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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