Account has the following: Level 70 High Elf Rogue -2025 Hit Has Eternal Weapon but I'm not good enough at the controls to be able to get the cores needed for the first upgrade path. Level 66 Dwarf Warrior (one more dungeon or raid will push it to 67) -1275 Hit Level 65 Kelari Mage -1032 Hit (I haven't worked on much aside from the Rogue.) Level 65 High Elf Mage -Hit unknown as it was mainly used for lowbie raids and such. Several low level characters on a few other servers used for muling as needed. 11 mounts (including Frosty Levitation Mount) Each character has some platinum and the account also has 18 Gems on it for the Rift Store. 6 of the bag slots are unlocked. The dwarf has a full bank and, while some of the items are no longer attainable, most can be sold for more plat either by vendor or on the auction house. I've put roughly $200 into the account over the last year or so. Asking for $50 obo. Anyone interested is welcome to contact me via private message on here.