Selling Selling Riders of Icarus Selling high end fully geared Priest top 5.

Discussion in 'Riders of Icarus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AngelosUnicorn, 8/23/17.

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  1. AngelosUnicorn

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    :):cool::D Hey, i quit gaming due to some real life issues so i sell my priest level 60 (maxed) Region-Europe & Server-Koroshimo, one of the best priests in-game, top 5-1 rank.
    All quests completed, high end geared.
    Tamed rarest familiars, lost of high value items and lots of gold to go with.
    Able to join every activity and at its highest difficulty and great for solo as well! :):cool::D
    Price is #.
    Send me a message if you have any questions or want me to send screenshots, i have plenty.
    I am open for Skype call also for exchanging more information.
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