Sold Selling Rich Account with many geared characters,stuffs,and money! (Tempest Reach NA)

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by shantelle, 11/12/16.

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  1. shantelle

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    Hello. I'd like to sell my Tera account (original owner, with email) with multiple characters, LOTS of money and stuffs!
    Characters: Lvl 65 reaper, slayer, gunner, archer
    Gear sets: +12 slaughter/dreadnaught mixed
    Pets: 2x felicity, various auto loot pets (Dragonette for example)
    A few mounts
    And the most important thing is: the BANK! (below you can see the screenshot of it)
    Around 250-300k worth of stuffs, here's a small list of it (not everything: )
    50k + gold
    8k+ tier 9 feedstock
    2k+ tier 10 feedstock
    1900 + masterwork alkahest
    lots of account bound spellbind, master enigmatic scroll, extensive/premium alkahest
    104 KEEN VYRSK (this item is like 1,3k gold each)
    hundreds of etching and crafting materials
    hundreds of consumables
    and more
    price: I'd like to get around 60-70$ and sell as soon as possible
    pm me here or add me on skype (e.oberfrank is the name)

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