Level: 24 Classes: Striker(M), Soul Fighter(M) and (F), Elementalist(M), Alchemist(M), Shaman(M), and Android Scrolls (Perm): Jujitsu, Ninjitsu, Another Avenger, Tongbeiquan, Muay Thai, Akidio, Limen Baguazhang, Volador, Shaolin Tiger, Redemption, Viper, Capoeira, and PKK Exocores (Perm): Neodymium, Troublemaker, Snowman BFE, Phaira, Plasma, Berserker, Cartomancer, Royal Xero Discus, Xero Discus Custom, Devil Fang, and Cook Clothing: Nothing too fancy, but they do have gems in them Etc: Some gems and a Master enchant card For players who want to hop back into the game and show new players how old gens get down. Been playing since '08 and due to all of the moving around it's time for me to hang it up. Not asking for a lot, but you do get more than what you pay for. To the person who purchases the account have fun and let the game live on!!