Selling [Selling] Relic/Eureka/Tome Capping || Grinds || Powerleveling || All handmade || Super cheap

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lyr, 3/30/20.

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  1. Lyr

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    I will lend my time to do general chores for you in game for cheap and for NA/EU/JP datacenters and PC only.

    All prices #, but there are base prices for reference point.

    • Relics from ARR and HW - $70 for start to finish on any HW relic. $60 for start to finish on any ARR relic. # price and needs further discussion.
    • Eureka progression and/or relics - $60 for level 1 to 60, $100 if you want me to work on a relic of your choice while leveling, can take a week or two depending on activity of your datacenter. For a specific eureka relic its to be negotiated but I can guarantee completion in a timely manner. The price would depend on what you would want and the materials you may or may not have already.
    • Leveling a DoW/DoM job from 70 to 80 - $10 and can do in a single day.
    • Capping any type of tomes, can do in a single day depending on your job levels. - $10 for capping any type of tome, needs further discussion once you contact me.
    • Completing your MSQ and collecting all aether currents. $15 for 70-80 MSQ and currents. Can be #.
    • BLU leveling - 1 to 60 would be $15 and can do in 1 day, can be negotiated further.
    • BLU Spell collecting and Masked Carnivale Scenarios - To be negotiated but I can definitely do this.
    • Feast Top 100 - This service would take a lot of time and commitment but I can guarantee a top 100 placement, price would be around $300 and can be negotiated further, NA only for this however.
    • 20k Wolf Marks - $15 and will take 2 days at the very most.

    All services are done by me only so you can always contact me to log out or I can log on while you're busy, my schedule is extremely flexible to accommodate any client to the maximum extent.
    Custom orders will also be considered, but requires discussion via DMs
    Payment will be done by PayPal, on a 50% upfront then remaining 50% after the service is complete basis.

    My discord is Lyr#6719 please add me here to discuss pricing and services or if you have any questions.
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