Selling [Reckoning] 55 East Darkrunner | 3400 GS | Outfits | Founder | Fishing Boat

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Captain Flynnt, 1/5/17.

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  1. Captain Flynnt

    Captain Flynnt
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    Taking offers atm, considering quitting. Between the gilda alone this account is worth well over 150~$ just from selling the gold I'd get from the gilda, no lowballs. Will have a set price within the week or so based on offers (unless I get a good offer) / if I decide to quit for the price.

    Perfect pirating account, has a 16x16 in Castaway (built), a Thatched on Wayfarer Isle, and a 16x16 on Diamond Shores. Also has an alt patron account with 2 thatched (One is partially built) on the same Castaway Island I'd throw in for free (Alt has 11k~ carpentry and 4k~ printing among other things). 40k fishing with a Fishing boat (Unique steering wheel), easy 300g+ a day from fishing, as well as 226 gilda and 230 merit badges. Could have another 250 gilda scroll to use or sell for 1k-1.5k within a day.

    Other noteables: 140 Inventory slots, Labor Stipend until mid-january. 30~ days of Patron. 50$ Christmas Outfit pack, can easily sell costumes for 400g+~ each in the future when they are no longer available (Bunny costume was already sold). Founder pack costume / title / glider.

    Imgur album with proof of my claims:

    Contact me here or on skype, captainflynnt
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